I recently sent a Christmas package to the US, which included some more items I made for my niece's American girl dolls (among other things). They told me they really loved the capes/shawls I previously made for their dolls, so I've decided to make them each another one.

For their birthdays this year I made them each a blanket. For Niece 6, I made a matching blanket for her doll. For Niece 9, I didn't have a chance to do it, but instead made her a little doll purse. To even things up, I've reversed it for Christmas. I made Niece 6 the doll purse, and Niece 9 will finally get her matching dolly blanket (to match her big blanket).

I 'designed' the doll purse myself - and seeing I hate joining things together, I made it so it is all in one piece. I only had to weave in the beginning tail and the ending tail, sew on the button and ta-da! I've called it the "I'm Bringing Frilly Back" doll purse. Look out Justin Timberlake!
Good on ya' Elle, lot's of love sent from Australia!