My husband and I just got back from a wonderful trip to New Zealand. In addition to all the lovely scenery and activities there were, of course, lots of sheep! And sheep make lovely wool. :)

There were a few purchases I just couldn't resist making. The first was an adorable little stuffed sheep wearing a pink hoodie. I've named him Jelly (short for Mint Jelly).

I also found some gorgeous NZ wool called "Touch" that is so incredibly soft, you just have to, well, TOUCH it! It was a bit expensive (okay a lot expensive), but it was a special treat for myself.
I also had to pick up some Possum/Merino/Silk wool that I found. You can buy the possum/merino products all over New Zealand but they are SOOOOO crazy expensive. The wool was pretty expensive as well, but it was just so different with the possum in it, I had to get it. I'm using it for some Christmas presents... which will have to remain secret for now.